Life moves in cycles.
And humans are cyclical beings.
— Claire Holloway

Our bodies are designed to follow a natural ebb and flow throughout the month and across the seasons and the years.

The linear approach and stressors of modern society can cause depletion, as we constantly operate from a place of doing and giving.

Ancient wisdom traditions such as the vedic sciences (of which yoga is a part) were attuned to natural rhythms. Sadly, even the evolution of yoga in the West has resulted in a lessened connection to the macrocosm, which reflects our microcosm.

The phases of the moon happen to match the menstrual cycle in length and nature. With the moon as muse, a lunar practice can guide you back to deep attunement with your natural rhythm.

Benefits of practising in alignment with natural cycles can include:

  • Supporting regulation of the menstrual cycle

  • Improved pelvic awareness and health

  • Heightened creativity and productivity

  • Increased energy (at appropriate times of the month and year)

  • Improved self-esteem and body image

  • Reduction in stress and anxiety levels

  • Supporting fertility treatments and therapies

  • Supporting the transition through pre-menopause, menopause and beyond

Honour your divine feminine by practising in alignment with the phases of the moon and steady your divine masculine through a practise aligned to our annual transit around the sun.

Lunar Yoga Experience

4 x 60 MINUTES $108

Follow the four major moon phases through a full cycle and experience the correlation with bodily cycles. In this program, you will learn how to adapt your yoga practice to respect and engage with the different energies of each phase.

The practice cycles over 4 weeks, with the focus and tone of the class shifting:

  1. New Moon (Menses) - inward focus, nourishing practice

  2. First Quarter Moon (Doing Phase) - discerning focus, active practice

  3. Full Moon (Ovulation) - focus on releasing, expressive practice

  4. Third Quarter Moon (Being Phase) - gratitude focus, restorative practice

*Note this program is available in adapted forms for teenagers or parents and adolescents to practice together.

Solar Workshops

Your body innately shifts and changes with the seasons. When you consciously connect with this, you can merge your energy with nature to deepen and enrich your life experience.


Offered in Perth and Online. Check our events page for details of upcoming workshops.

Winter and Summer Solstices

The days of shortest and longest sunlight invite us to stop, reflect and celebrate. These workshops are an opportunity to explore seasonal energies, how to emobdy them and prepare for the months ahead.


Held twice yearly when the length of day and night are equal, these are perfect times to experience balance around you in order to return to balance within.