Maternal Wisdom for Bright Beginnings

Our Approach to Your Care

  • Just as teenagers become adults through the passage of adolescence, women become mothers through the transition of matrescence.

    This is a life-altering and irreversible transition on all levels of existence: physical, hormonal, emotional, social, cultural, economic, spiritual.

    At The Centre of Bright Beginnings, we believe that parents are at the centre of a societal revolution. Matrescence expands beyond a mother:

    • It is just as relevant if you identify as a prospective parent transition from Adult to Parent

    • It affects all families, extending into their communities.

    So when a mother or a new parent rises, she uplifts her family and her community. This is how we create conscious change.

    Matrescence is the focus of all our offerings. You may be particularly interested in Matrescence Coaching.

  • Numerous research studies have revealed improved outcomes for mothers, babies, parents and children on all levels when they receive continuity of care during matrescence.

    • The health system in Australia, and in many other countries around the world, does not provide continuity of care.

    • We seek to fill this gap by providing you with care all the way from pre-conception, through pregnancy, birth, postpartum and into parenting.

    • We do this through our 5 Koshas Model of Care which incorporates Yoga, Bowen Therapy and Matrescence Coaching.

  • Your unique matrescence journey is influenced by so many things.

    • External influences can include: social & cultural background, financial situation, family upbringing, religious or spiritual beliefs, proprioception…

    • Internal influences can include: physical health, emotional state, energy levels, mental health, interoception, connection to intuition, connection to the Self…

    We approach every conception journey, every pregnancy and every postpartum journey as unique. And we celebrate this.

    All our offerings are designed so that we can tailor them to meet your needs, as you are right now. We celebrate your diversity and seek to honour it.

    You may be particularly interseted in a private yoga class or movement education session.

  • Our bodies are designed to follow a natural ebb and flow throughout the month and across the seasons and the years.

    The linear approach and stressors of modern society can cause depletion, as we constantly operate from a place of doing and giving.

    Ancient wisdom traditions such as the vedic sciences (of which yoga is a part) were attuned to natural rhythms. Our offerings follow the lunar and solar cycles (lunisolar) to foster a balance between doing and being and between giving and receiving. 

    We call our practices for attuning to biorhythms Lunar Yoga.

The Conscious Parenting Pathway

Pelvic Health

Preconception and Postpartum Recovery



Healthy Pregnancy and Birth Preparation

postpartum postnatal


Healthy, Happy Parents = Best Start for Bub

Parent Parenting Family


Empowered Matrescence

Your pathway is cyclical, not linear. You may enter it at any stage.

You will find that you flow through the stages in a spiral-like manner: revisiting each as you move deeper along your matrescence journey.

The ongoing journey of matrescence might mean that you go on to have more children, or it might mean that you ‘birth’ or uncover deeper, fuller versions of yourself as you continue your exploration of what it means to be a mother or parent.

We have personalised packages to support you on this journey through Bowen Therapy, Matrescence Coaching and Yoga.