It can be daunting entering a new space or trying a new practice or modality for the first time. A very human experience is to have your mental dialogue questioning whether you will fit in or be ‘good enough’. These are natural reactions to the unknown, and our bodies are hard-wired to consider what could go wrong in a situation (this used to keep us safe from natural dangers and predators). 

At Bright Beginnings Yoga, we want you to always feel safe, supported and sustained during your time with us. And even more than that, we seek to meet your individual needs, even in a group class setting. This is why we keep our group class numbers very small and why we encourage all participants to attend a private class prior to commencing one of our group programs. 

What to expect in a private class:

  • Deep listening to your story: background, experiences, health challenges, living circumstances.

  • Developing an understanding of why and how you are seeking yoga to support your life

  • Personalised instruction in yoga techniques relevant to your needs. This may include, but is not limited to: self-study, postures, breathing, reflection, concentration and meditation

  • Development and/or adjustment of your tailored home practice, which is key to progressing with your yoga journey

  • Introduction to yoga philosophy principles which can support your attitude towards and experience of life

Private Yoga Class, individual, personalised, tailored, safe environment

Personalised Package

30 MINUTE Lifestyle Consultation + 60 MINUTE Class + Home practice script & video  $111

Follow-up Private Class

60 MINUTES $75